But your treatment is more important, therefore the time depends on the size of the body and it is the treatment and not the time that is paid for!

If you have injuries or else you are not quite sure what is, then I recommend you choose sports injury therapy, where I use the full range of tools. This is definitely what you get the most out of.

You can read about the different treatments at my blog and of course find them as well as prices on my booking side

RICEM - Acute Injury Treatment

Here, first aid is provided according to the RICEM principle

OBS !! ACUTE PHONE - Time can be ordered less than 24 hours before treatment: 27 37 50 16
Emergency price + DKK 100 and any. Travel

I have the right tools and techniques and knowledge, but you can also do something yourself:

Stop the activity

Cooling the damaged area

Compression of the damaged area.

Lift the damaged area above the heart level

After the emergency first aid, it is important to mobilize the damaged tissue as soon as possible (usually after 24-48 hours) - though without any pain.